Référence : 141
Black and white abstract art photography by Laurent Laporte for the SPACE IPSUM series. In his fake astronomy photos, the photographer exploits this notion of the unknown, leaving the viewer the freedom of projection.
Length : 29.92 in / 76 cm
Height : 44.88 in / 114 cm
Width : 1.57 in / 4 cm
Weigth : 11.02 lb / 5 kg
Categories: Art Photography, Abstraction, Black and White
Artist : Laurent Laporte
Support : FUJI Crystal Archive Glossy Paper mounted on Aluminum collage
Dimensions : 114 x 76 cm
Framing : Frame made with lead foil by the David Gallardo workshop (Paris XI) accompanied by an anti-reflective glass
Inspiration: The photographer explores here the theme of truth and falsehood, leaving room for the imagination by recreating constellations of stars from the reflections of light on the water
Edition : 8 signed and numbered photographic prints
Year: 2017
Warranty : Sold with certificate of authenticity
Laurent Laporte
Laurent Laporte is a French photographer who lives and works in Paris. It was during a sailing trip between Italy and Spain that he realized the possible parallels between the reflections of light on the water and the constellations of stars. Through the bewitching aesthetic of the conquest of space, a fantasy of humanity, Laurent Laporte explores here one of the essential themes of photography, that of truth and lies. What is the most important? The exact representation or the one we have always imagined? The stars, if we can admire them every night, remain for the most part an unknown territory. In his artificial astronomical photos, the photographer exploits this notion of the unknown which leaves the spectator free to be able to project himself more easily where he wishes. An attempt perhaps to awaken our childish souls, at a time when imagination always took precedence over truth. Laurent Laporte regularly collaborates with major fashion and lifestyle magazines, he is also the creator of Where is The Cool magazine and of the content creation studio, Where is The Cool Content Bureau, dedicated to bold brands.